Another slice of sublime shuffling techno slides into the Tejada canon. If I wanted to be critical, I could point out that this doesn't seem to break significant new ground compared to, say, 2008's Where. And in terms of influences, I could reach back to the pop-minimal of the '00s Kompakt (on which label he is belatedly making his debut) or even to the slightly harder Orbital releases from the mid- to late-'90s. But... why would I want to be critical, when the music is as beguiling as this? The pads pop softly, the melodies twinkle headily, and the whole thing sounds sophisticated without sounding laboured or distant. Very fine.
I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Minimal / Dancefloor.
I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Minimal / Dancefloor.