This is an improvised collaboration involving, seemingly, two guys, two guitars, and an awful lot of amps and effects and pedals to distort and loop and generally diffuse into a blissed-out haze. This is dense stuff, it kind of washes over you until your attention is caught by some flash of colour several layers deep in the mix. The clouds part briefly for the penultimate track, Covered Bridge, which evokes a suitably sundrenched Southern U.S. feeling, lazily picked half-melodic noodlings complete with birdsong and cicadas, and which is rather delicate and lovely. It's also a nice palate-cleanser before the final satisfy slice of fuzz. The whole thing is wonderfully unhurried and very gently uplifting.
I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Dark Ambient / Drone / Metal.
I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Dark Ambient / Drone / Metal.