Rafael Anton Irisarri: A Fragile Geography (LP, Room 40, January 2016)

This is just top notch melodic classical drone ambient. Irisarri has been at this for a while (I'm quite fond of It Falls Apart, his 2010 album as The Sight Below) and he just seems to keep getting better. There's that gently pulsing humming noise, the drawn-out strings layered subtly over the top, just the right amount of melody, just the right amount of processing. My favourite track here is Empire Systems, which sounds like... well, if you took the moment near the start of Kraftwerk's Radioactivity, where the chant-like synth noise has emerged out of the fuzz and you're just waiting for the Morse code to come in (stay with me here) and you got Tim Hecker to do an 8-minute cover of just that moment... it might sound something like this. Which is, obviously, brilliant.

I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Electronic, Dark Ambient / Drone / Metal.
