Tarquin Manek: Tarquin Magnet (LP, Blackest Ever Black, December 2015)

This starts out magnificently. Sassafras Gesundheit — quite apart from being an amazing title — is a 13 minute workout centred around an infectious circular melody on some kind of analogue-sounding synth, a jazzy burbling bass clarinet, and a kind of scratchy fiddling. This is all enhanced with a packed toybox of bangs, clanks, bloops, and squeaks. Plus, he's riding the faders shamelessly. All in all, it's deliriously good fun.

The other four tracks here are all a good deal sparser, and I have to admit that I struggle to find them engaging. The shorter ones (one is just 85 seconds) feel like interludes, and they're all pretty effects-heavy. There's plenty interesting going on, it's just that it all feels like a little bit of a let down. But I don't mind, because (let's just say it again) Sassafras Gesundheit is pretty special.

I bought this from Boomkat. They call it Electronic.
